An intuitive Architecture for DIY IoT Application Composition as Business Process Model


Business process modeling, Internet of Things, Architecture, DIY, Application

How to Cite

Khan, M. sohail, Kim, D. ., & Tila, F. . (2022). An intuitive Architecture for DIY IoT Application Composition as Business Process Model. KIET Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, 5(2).


Internet of Things (IoT) and the related technologies have changed the users’ perspective of remote service utilization. Internet of Things is a network of billions of smart and connected devices, which expose their functionality in the form of sensing or actuation services. Currently, applications utilize those services to cater to the user’s needs. However, a user’s requirements are always changing which cannot be efficiently fulfilled by the domain specific applications. We propose the idea of using Business Process Modeling approach in order to enable the user to model their required processes based on the atomic services exposed by IoT devices. The approach requires no programming skills on behalf of the users so it can be used as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tool for the creation of IoT based processes. This article presents the architecture and detailed design of the proposed system.


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