Statistical Analysis for the Traffic Police Activity: Nashville, Tennessee, USA


Data analysis
Statistical analysis
Traffic stops analysis
Social issues

How to Cite

Tufail, M. Y., & Gul, S. (2022). Statistical Analysis for the Traffic Police Activity: Nashville, Tennessee, USA. KIET Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, 5(2).


Data Science is one of the fastest growing interdisciplinary field and has many applications in various disciplines.
The actual motivation of data science came from John Tukey. In his seminal paper, in 1962, he presented the idea of
data analysis which is now the field of data science. Several algorithms for data science related to statistical
analysis have been developed and applied over variety of datasets since 1962. In this field, the significant
development began with the aid of high performance computers that help to analyse a massive datasets. In this paper,
we study the statistical analysis of the traffic stops in Nashville, Tennessee, USA for the year 2011--2021.
Data is taken from the Stanford open policing project. Analysis is based on total number of 3071706 traffic stops.
In this paper, we consider and investigate various aspects. This study comprises gender comparison (male vs female)
and race comparison (black vs white) for different traffic offences. Complete findings and possible gaps are discussed
in the conclusion.


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