Perceived Usefulness of Big-Data for Store Layout: Evidence for Organized Retailers of Karachi


Big-Data, Store Layout, Organized Retail Sector & Perceived Usefulness

How to Cite

Jabeen, M., Sultan, M. F., & Mannan, M. A. (2021). Perceived Usefulness of Big-Data for Store Layout: Evidence for Organized Retailers of Karachi. KIET Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, 4(2), 18.


Big-Data is one of the most useful technologies available nowadays to understand behaviors
and patterns. However, in addition to its societal benefits technology might also be used by
practitioners in industrial settings. The Retail industry is also treated as the one which might receive major benefits from the use of Big-Data and therefore this study is purposively associated with implications of Big-Data for the retail sector. The Study uses store layout as the dependent variable as it has the most influence on purchase as the real purpose of Big-Data is to analyze behavior and patterns, therefore, the selection of variable is legitimate. However, the technology is not well-known in emerging markets like Pakistan therefore study is linked with quota sampling and uses SMART-PLS to analyze results. Results indicated that Big-Data was perceived as the potent tool for operations of the organized retail sector of Karachi.


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