Rice Varieties (LULC) Classification using Artificial Neural Network through Landsat 8 OLI Image


Land Use / Land Cover, Crop Classification, Remote Sensing

How to Cite

Talha Virk, & MUHAMMAD USMAN. (2025). Rice Varieties (LULC) Classification using Artificial Neural Network through Landsat 8 OLI Image. KIET Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, 7(2), 1-34. https://doi.org/10.51153/kjcis.v7i2.225


Multi-temporal and multi-spectral remote sensing images are good instruments that may help traditional agricultural systems by properly monitoring and calculating crop yields prior to harvesting. Traditional agricultural systems mostly depend on limited ground-survey data. Time-series satellite images of vegetation phenology serve a significant role in vegetation monitoring and land-cover categorization because they can record vegetation information at various development phases. It's impossible to overstate how important remote sensing has become in the last several decades. In order to monitor land surface dynamics, natural resource management, and the general status of the ecosystem, remote sensing sensors have been used from space. In order to begin vegetation conservation and restoration projects, it is necessary to know the existing status of plant cover. Several early studies of ecosystems and land cover have used agricultural census data to map paddy rice fields at the global and regional scales.



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