An efficient Image Processing Technique to Measure and Align Vehicle Wheel Cylinder with Cloud Management System


HUB, motorcycle, automated, vehicle wheel, centroid, bubbling, screw gauge, vernier caliper, measurement, diameter, accuracy, precision

How to Cite

Dr. Shoaib Zaidi, Wasim, M., Dr. Lubaid Ahmed, Nauman Ahmed, Mahad Ahmed Khan, & Muhammad Usman. (2022). An efficient Image Processing Technique to Measure and Align Vehicle Wheel Cylinder with Cloud Management System. KIET Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, 5(1), 1-14.


The measurement and alignment of vehicle wheel cylinders (motorcycle wheel hub) is an important and more challenging task for manufacturing companies. Currently in most of the local industries this measurement system is manual and technicians are using screw gauges and vernier calipers for the measurement of cylinder diameters. There are some issues associated with the manual system to measure the different cylinder diameters of the wheel hub. Some very common issues are  time consuming, human error can impact the accuracy of measurements,  least count values are changed in different tools, which are used in measurements and it requires more concentration for converting the decimal places  and one of a very important issue is the alignment of centroids for different diameters of wheel cylinder. This centroid problem never be fixed in a manual system and it creates a big issue for the alignment of the wheel as well, that causes wobble in the wheel. The automated sensor-based system can resolve these issues and especially centroid issues with accurate measurements of cylinder diameters but this system is very costly. The proposed system provides a state of the art solution to measure the diameters of the cylinder with the accurate alignment of centroids. The work presented here consists of two modules ¾  an automated vehicle wheel hub measurement and alignment system (VWMAS) using image processing techniques and cloud management. The proposed system is a low cost and effective technique, which resolves the issue of centroid with accurate measurement of diameters of different circles found in the hub with the accuracy (95%) and precision (100%).


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