An Ontology Based Approach to Search Woman Clothing from Pakistan’s Top Clothing Brands


Women-clothing, brands, top-brands, clothing, ontology

How to Cite

Mushtaque, S. ., Siddiqui, A. A., & Wasim, M. (2022). An Ontology Based Approach to Search Woman Clothing from Pakistan’s Top Clothing Brands. KIET Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, 5(1), 37-47.


This paper is presenting an ontology-based approach that provides a fast and more relative searching way for women cloth. The trend of online shopping in Pakistan is getting more popular since last decade. It has been observed that most of the women prefer branded cloths when they go for online shopping. The research is aimed to provide them a platform to find their desired dresses from the top brand collections of Pakistan. All top brand products will be available in system to make search for women-clothing more precise and accurate. The system will extract major attributes of dresses i.e. color, style, pattern, from images uploaded by brands registered in the system. These attributes will be defined in a form of domain-oriented ontology (RDF/OWL) that will help consumers to find more exact and proper search results for their desired cloth.


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